The concept of interdependence requires that things can not be defined in absolute terms, but only in relation to others.When Einstein asserted that E = mc 2 what he meant? Buddha said as much in his day, 2500 years ago. There was a breakthrough in the sense of novelty, but simply was given a formula to this "obvious", making it readable, understandable, credible and Western scientists.
This is essentially the same idea of \u200b\u200bthe principle relativity of motion in physics, which was established for the first time by Galileo, was eventually completed by Einstein.
"The bike is nothing like the" Galileo established.
What he meant was that, in physics, the movement of an object can not be defined in absolute terms, but only in relation the motion of a second object.
There is no way for passengers on a train in motion, with the windows closed, to find accurate data and testing if the train is moving or is standing still.
's just opening the windows and looking skim the campaign, which passengers can find out.
Thus, insofar as there is not 'an external reference, the movement is equivalent to the non-movement.
Buddhism says that objects do not exist inherently, but only in relation to other objects.
The principle of relativity says that the train movement exists only in relation to the flow of the landscape .
Time and space have lost the features that Newton gave them absolute .
Einstein showed us that time and space can only be defined in relative terms that depend on the movement of the observer and the intensity of the gravitational field around them .
In the vicinity of a black hole, a second can relax until eternity .
Just as in Buddhism, relativity teaches us that the idea of \u200b\u200ba past that has elapsed and a future that is yet to come is a mere illusion, because my future can be another's past and This one of a third person - all depends on our relative movements .
I the time does not pass, just is.
And here it is ... clear, clear, crystalline, simple as few things can be. Found? Rediscovery? I do not know, but that's okay. Within hours, I created something. In a few days I get it. It will also be granted, but it is precisely for this reason that it should be reiterated. It is important to discover, remember, reveal that ALL depend on us. When it seems that the world will slip away, maybe it's because you're not moving. Words such as short, long, fast, slow and all the adjectives we use daily really do not have the slightest significance. If we take the letters of Beauty and the writing on a card, decontextualized totally understand what? What a concept mean? Here the meaning is reduced to nothing. The value of the concept described is equal to zero, it is totally invalid. And even if not take away from the context would be meaningless. When reading the big words in here that each of us there comes a click, and you turn a light on a particular image, which is different for everyone, so it is impossible to give an objective interpretation. For some "big" is the universe, but there are those who came to mind the ocean, others the sun, whom the world, or a mountain, an adult, the heart, not love ... you can decide what is "great" or "small" or "beautiful" or "bad."
everything depends on us ... everything is as we think it's because we see it that way. A feeling the we can define nice until we grapple with the nails and teeth at a given moment or situation, and as soon as we deviate from that point that we have designated more or less consciously, that's the picture changes ... And then, if everything is "just "a huge cauldron that mingles alone, has its own life, how can we define the craziest of adjectives?
How can we use the word "purity" and not run into a semantic trap, or philological interpretation?
Purity is a moment, maybe you is pure in a single moment of her whole life, but lived at the time it can be said to be pure. The purity is not tied to a single adjective. This is not just purely or merely that. Is not tied to a pleasant feeling. Purity and beauty, because when you find something painful, which takes you on the edge, then your pain and your sadness come alive. Although it is strange, it's the imperfection to make pure, because it is what makes something alive. One moment, a feeling ... it's the contrast with what's around that makes you live and enjoy, making it a point of bright light, crisp and pure. But you could not see the light if there were the darkness all around.
The purity is God
Not because God is pure, or because it is untouched, but simply because life is purity, purity is the chaos that surrounds us and seems to have no meaning until we decide with our will to move and merge with it, to dissolve in the current. Purity is to be Divine.
We can decide to become a tiny microbes, such small units that blend and merge and become part of the vortex, or become so large, be so empty that they can contain the whole universe and then become one with it.
Here is our power, to choose one of two ways.
And we can only choose if you decide you want to do.
Special thanks to Gluco, Matthias, Frederick, Amoriat, Osho and http://www.buddhism .com / teaching / science / quantumAndLotus.htm
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