Thursday, January 31, 2008

Tattoo Baby Print With Wings

I always found it very heavy to download from the network, install and load all the startup programs necessary to the enjoyment of audio and video multimedia files.
Windows Media player has the only advantage of being pre-installed on the PC, but it is intrusive, redundant graphic effects and it takes a while 'to charge (at least on my pc, which is obsolete now and consists of an Athlon 1333 with 512 megs of ram. the video card I recently updated, is a Nvidia Ge-Force FX 5500)
Real Player and free, but when I download it and install add more if you're not careful that a series of "gadgets" that can make mad a Newby: links to games for a fee, to listen to radio online resources, in short, a torment for those who simply must be seen a video downloaded from the RAI.
Quick time does not have my sympathy for the simple reason that if you save a movie formats. Mov (quicktime those just read from), if I try to make a VCD or a DVD player to enjoy on the table that player usually does not law, and then be converted.
I know it's not the fault of the QuickTime format only if it is supported by the AVI readers in all its nuances, but download a player that is not small because WMP does not see the movies. MOV (and thus even readers from table) has always annoyed me.
Moral sgooglando time ago I found two ideal software to replace them, are real alternative and quicktime alternative. Lightweight and quick to do their job and of course you can download them both freeware to this address.
Since there are, if you have any movies. MOV and want to make them into divx or xvid or any other video format you can think of, I strongly recommend a program that is great for ease Use and format: Rad Video Tools, freeware, download at this address

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Going To School Without Underwear

Multimedia E-Mail

The mail program that comes with Windows is Outlook Express, and for years it was enough to manage and advanced e-mail and newsgroups. Its biggest limitation is that it is easily attacked (like all the Windows environment) as a result of many (perhaps too) automatically provided by the operating system, and certainly also because, being spread over most of the PCs in the world, it is extremely attractive for any geek hackereggiante (or better crackereggiante) to test himself and create a virus to sneak into a computer or with Windows.
To avoid the risk of Outlook and not go too far with the settings, I think Mozilla Thunderbird, free and Open Source, downloadable at this address, is a solid program, fast, easy to use and everything you need to read and write e-mail and discuss newsgroup.
There really is everything, and also allows you to read RSS feeds in an optimal manner, easy to configure and manage not to miss is (again my opinion), Outlook Express, you can not have the holes for that program.
Two words I want to spend against the use of a program Free but extremely heavy and unnecessarily redundant emoticons, animations and gadgets: Incredimail. I do not happen to read anything more annoying mailing lists which are entered, the mail written in Incredimail. You do not understand anything

My Little Bro Stole My Panties


The first thing you do when you try to access the Internet and open the browser, the operating system that is sold (almost) mandatory with (almost) every PC and Internet Explorer.
has reached version No 7. I work in the office and I must say that, apart from the cavolatine graphics, buttons, "engaging" and little else, I do not like at all. Then a few last update of XP (I do not know why not really use more windows at home) has introduced features in IE7 something shocking: the phishing filter: practically page by page the browser checks the sites you visit, for sure (but then it will be reliable?) that the site is no different from what it claims to be. In practice, that filter is there to prevent someone honest to trade the e-mail requesting their bank or the Italian post office to enter your login to the account, which are then used to commit crimes.
The end result is that if you complete an online form (to order merchandise or other things like the web) before you see your Pasano modulate at least 5 minutes where you see only the white blood - Green phishing filter that works. Activity slowed to the death to protect those who do not work with internet ... Mah

years I have chosen to browse with Mozilla Firefox , browser Free and Open Source which can be downloaded at the link on the name, along with all other programs of the Mozilla team, which I'll discuss in other posts.

Should The Bar Of The Belly Ring Stick Out


I'm not an expert on PC, my opinions are not technical, they are only the opinions that I have done about the programs that I recommend to install (and those who do not recommend), due not learning computer science, but from a rather long experience on the web (surfing the 1998), almost twenty years of familiarity with a PC (work with and thanks to the PC around 1989 to 90, my first OS was a Jurassic DOS - can not remember if 1 or 2) placed on a 486 Olivetti, which turned three small programs for the management office and a few toys now totally obsolete). So do not pretend to know everything, I only have one certainty: I am a user who does not want to be unconscious, he wants to know what turns on his computer and when it will not be so easily convinced amazing email from my bank asking me the login to the account, and regrets that those who do so that you can approach a powerful tool like the Internet without the duties antibodies, to the point of becoming a victim certain fraud.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Perfect Blush For Olive Skin

That idea, which idea?

Since I made the big jump and I managed to do it almost alone, with the help of the large network, to eliminate from my daily use of PC Operating System Windows XP (IMO the best OS ever made from Microsoft) I got a great desire to "disclose" the possibilities are real, concrete and far more economical, offers a different approach to programming, the creation of software and intellectual property.

outset, I must tell the story triggered my need to migrate.
the end of 2005, after having moved house, I discovered that my PC was suffering from a kind of backdoor dll32 of those who are copying themselves in the Windows registry and then take command of the system in fact prevented from opening the Registry or go on a web page and being a user but not a technical expert, the only way I found (after you have downloaded from the net dozens of programs that were supposed to eliminate the trojan) was to get rid of the usual (in the sense that it was a fairly common practice for me) formattatina: via all data from hard disk and down with a new installation Windows. Strictly no partitions, so each time I had to remember or save the files on some DVDs or lose everything.
Did you have an external USB hard drive, and the data saved them there (mail, contacts, downloaded files, etc..) but it was a real chore.
before deciding on a format I found quell'hd out a folder with files that had extended to me totally unknown, and absolutely impossible to open. I erased it all without going through the street:)
just managed to restore the system novamente and landed on the net, my antivirus warned me immediately of the trojan are immediately repechage. I fear I have felt that guilt was then that I used the free firewall: Sygate firewall: formattatina second in a day, change the firewall with Zone Alarm and ruminating on lost time to do all those operations.
some time thereafter, a friend of Milan, Maria, told me that a colleague had Mandriva installed on the PC, and it was fine even though she understood little. Having
years before I tried to install a Linux release and since there are hardware failed for lack of recognition by the release, despite being a little skeptical after reading a bit 'of Newsgroups in the network, a bit' of documentation recommended by Linux users and to have understood very little, but is a little bit on the file system, partitions and permits, I downloaded it (with working windows and protected) the ISO of Mandriva 2007 and I tried to install it.
miracle, my pc is antiquated, but knew everything, even the scanner, no problems.
now is pretty much just about a year I use Mandriva, now updated to 2008 (and look the spring) and Mandriva do everything I browse, read and write messages on newsgroups and email, blogging, Scansano files, download photos, the editing, burn, listen, see and copy CDs and DVDs, make MP3, DVD to DivX transform, in short, do exactly what I did with windows, except for toys Raffi (which sooner or later come to the wii or play station) with the same pleasure as easily and completely free.
In fact I have just begun to understand how the Linux world, and I created this blog to at least try to bring friends to open source, whereas there is no need to change the operating system to take advantage of open, because the creators of open source software source often create the same program for multiple platforms, including Windows.