Puppetmaster and onlooker. All in One.
Apart from all the bullshit , you know what?
As I speak seriously when I do not get heard, or I think that percula cock is the part that people want to see me, so giving it to him without any problems.
I do not care if they laugh about that, indeed, is fine with me because I am the first and only know that under no other.
And truly enough, because so many things that you say, you, guessed, I get it long before all of you.
And it is a unique satisfaction to see how long the people with whom I'm talking about or doing something you put over me to understand.
It is an immense pleasure they are injured and not in the least suspect anything.
I'm a bitch? Maybe. I'm an idiot? It may be so, but I'm not going to do more harm than I have already done.
I do not care that I see as a dick, because I know not to be.
For my whole mind-feelings "others" do not exist when my door wanting to do harm, but gain value as individuals is that when I want to be well, or simply "better."
prefer to be invisible and to know than to be hated and derided for what proved to know.
It would not be the first time that happens, it always has been, but since people do when they are in groups "suffer" more of the same dynamics I know that would be the same even now.
Walking on the side of the path in the shadow silent and allows me to not be pulled in the midst of affairs in which I do not care to be trapped. It 'easy and fun.
prefer that only those who want to have a glimpse of me, and above all do not know who else knows my plugs.
No, I do not care to do a campaign of conversion, take the famous "other" that I usually laugh at him and see what's under the cazzaggine why not worth it. And also because, after all, is good to be underestimated ...
And now various Nobody love me. Or hate me. As far as I care.
I do not care because it will be obvious who will hate me after this.
will be fun to not know understand why it will be a new challenge with me.
And there's more. But it would be nice to tell you. And not even funny.
might think that this is a post threatening, or who have written because I want to make me beautiful, or because they are depressed, or take it as proof that I acted like a hypocrite.
Or this rigmarole of the things 'I wrote it just to talk about myself, because nobody shit, and that self-centered that he can not do nothing but scream, be talkative, laugh and say bullshit.
But know that I do not care what you think, and that any new label stick on me will never be as great as that of cazzeggiona tontolona and good-natured. But that's okay. And I will continue to bring this form that each of you has chosen for me just to let you rest easy, and you will forget this post ... and most likely will not ever read, or someone I'll close by saying "oh, this time he padme Sbrocca!"
But my form not fall, because you want it, and I am satisfied that it is, and will do absolutely anything to make you change your mind. I think I just sit cross-legged on the sofa, munching on something and guiding me and enjoying the show you want to do image you have built.
Oh yes, they are also presumptuous. I did not understand anything you and I claim the right of free speech in the face.
But is not this the honest? Speak clearly and say what we blend in? But no, you're right. And even if I have omitted so much that you spend talking out of turn even if you tried to argue.
Oh I forgot self-centeredness. Be entertaining even if you only knew how to use it as a constructive means without an end selfish
and then add the Omerta, the concealment. But these are things that a person does not even know how to recognize tontolona.
Before the end, however, make a play. I have deliberately lied in only one sentence, let's see if your insight will guide you in the right direction.
But now finally, Music ...
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