Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Hotel Reservations Control Sample Sheets

LETTER TO THE FRIENDS OF ISRAEL who demonstrated in Rome on October 7

Speaking of Israel is becoming more difficult, more laborious, from where it started? The speech is very long, from violations of all international laws? The violation of all UN resolutions? The violation of civil rights of the Palestinian population? The violation of children's rights? The right to education? Apartheid put in place both within the Green Line in the occupied territories annexed or better? Annexation of Jerusalem? Dall'incarceramento of Nobel Laureates Maguire is currently held as peace? From a death sentence without trial? MPs deported by the kidnapping of Israeli jails? From detention? The siege of Gaza and bombings, which together are decimating the population of the area? Nuclear arsenal is not subject to any control? The use of weapons banned by international law? From eighty to put the handcuffs back of the Shoah? From the ongoing ethnic cleansing in Jerusalem throwing out of the house overnight, whole families and replace them with settlers? From destroying villages in the Jordan Valley, but ...
also those of the Negev? From having built a wall cunningly called defense instead steals from the Palestinian villages fertile lands and water sources, making it impossible for farmers to cultivate their fields? Theft of land and water? Dall'incarceramento children, 700 a year, tortured and sentenced by military tribunals? Pollution from factories and dall'avvelenamento settlers of the area? By the uprooting of olive trees to transplant them in Israel? Killing anyone, peaceful and unarmed, is considered an enemy? Dall'arrembaggio of ships in international waters? From the devastating bomb pollute? Killing doctors and hospitals to prevent and then work to ensure that patients can not even go out the cage for treatment abroad which is equivalent to a death sentence without any petition being signed for them? With all forces from preventing the Palestinians to have their own economy? From the silence with life imprisonment or any other violent abuse domestic opposition? Inventiveness daily harassment idiotic as to give a farmer permission to cultivate his field, but not for the mule, a horse or stop throwing legs tied to the phone, or forcing a Palestinian at the checkpoint to slap yourself for fun or prevent artistic and cultural events, or boycott the arresting education students and professors, or split families, or 194 to the waste paper from 62 years or declare that the Palestinians have infiltrated their home and should be deported? or .... Choose you dear friends of Israel want to defend such atrocities and crimes because the list is long and mine is totally lacking. But all that you know well and then start from the lies, the branch where you are very versed and experienced. In your opinion, Israel is the country most threatened in the world! And who, pray? Maybe you know a country that macchiatosi the same crimes remained unpunished for 62 years? Of course, I forgot Hamas, Hezbollah, Ahmadinejad ... Hamas has enabled it to launch some rudimentary rocket into Israel and what did he do? Nothing important, just imprison its members regularly elected (thus remained the only democracy in the Middle East) and then some other nonsense, one bombing raid every now and then, a hundred dead today, a thousand tomorrow ... the destruction of the only power station, a simple embargo with theft of customs duties, a siege which prevents bring the books to schoolchildren in a long list of food, cement to rebuild homes destroyed after avergliele, so to ensure it remains in tents on a diet and weight loss with few side effects for children among whom malnutrition is increasing, then it is easier in the tents that have the effect of the poisons that have left the field after the molten lead. In short Israel had just spilled molten lead on him, nothing more! What reason had to react? But you say you think Hamas and the civilian population of your real goal of your wars and incursions, the civilian population must be punished with hunger, with the cage, with a horrible death. To be honest I do not remember when the last rocket was launched, but the last was killed by Israel in Gaza I remember it because it is very recent, a guy who was demonstrating peacefully protested ... and deserved death, someone had to say in this world that denigrates Israel? And then ...
Hezbollah's resistance to the ominous' attack in 2006 when Israel destroyed southern Lebanon turning them inside out on deadly weapons that have charred hundreds of children, the same tools already used in Gaza and Israel before launch did not fail to involve their children by making writing obscene messages on missiles, and repeated the performance for molten lead when he got to his children's day hanukkah gifts called molten lead, it is true, Hezbollah has made them run screaming giving breath to thousands of innocent people ... what if I am wrong to Ahmadinejad has made only a waste of words.
you complain that Israel is condemned by the institutions and the United Nations, newspapers and public opinion, I will, let this be known, I lament that these sentences are only verbal and never, never have had a real effect. There has never jumped in mind that in order to avoid moral convictions would be enough to change behavior? "A lot of disinformation about Israel stems from a lack of knowledge of the facts established. On this I agree with you. If everyone knew the facts in detail, perhaps Israel would not so much ... And feel free Buttiglione: "Europe can not allow the destruction of Israel," And who would destroy the state of Israel? The complicity of Europe is beyond question.
The people would be constantly threatened Israeli, not Palestinian as nell'indiscutibilità of the facts. You should then worry about the arsenal of Hamas and Hezbollah than Israel the only nuclear power in the Middle East that threatens the peace of the Mediterranean and beyond, while those who are still holding a conscience and who gave their lives to help a people in jail are outraged by the epithet of fear of terrorists who have made our daily practice. Dear Friends of Israel

Your delusion becomes understandable, however, and your lies fray by showing the real goal, the real reason for your tireless defense of the indefensible when he says that defending Israel is defending "your Western values." Israel so it's still always the bulwark of Western values \u200b\u200band racist white settler who stands in defense of the robbery and the oil resources of the Middle East, in essence, the watchdog of the West, but wants a dog bite and devour their own. To open this shameful oratorical marathon champion of democracy ... guess which Jose Maria Aznar. Forget the Ferrari, the Quagliariello, Sgarbi's ducks and neurasthenic, let alone well Veltroni Fassino and that is a lost cause, but you, Palombelli, although every now and then you wrote some decent article showing that you are not ignorant of the reality of facts, how do you sided with this rabble? Where did it go your ethics as a journalist? Where is your conscience? Veronesi
And you, as a doctor are normal killing of 1600 civilians in Lebanon and 1,400 civilians in Gaza? You should know what it's like having thousands of casualties for a company whose hospitals are no longer, thanks to the siege, even the patches, injuries that have left doctors stunned in front of a devastation entirely unknown, but doctors Israelis, the knew and were familiar with the care they have refused to inform doctors of Gaza. Your conscience lets you become complicit in this abomination and still look in the mirror? And above all you
Saviano, tell me that with courage, with that consciousness waste words in favor of the oppressors? Then all your nice words on migrants, on Rosarno, so we had so much admired, quoted, appreciated was false? Just that you know all about the Mafia, the ambiguity of language that hides the crime, you risk that your skin and you are forced to turn to the Commons, as a writer that you are familiar with the polysemy of words with which he deceives the people, as to show you houses in a state that does not deserve condemnation? What is the point to understand all of the Mafia in Italy if he does not understand or do not want to understand that the peoples of the rope around his neck can be tightened by others under a different name but with the same ferocity that mob that cries while shooting without mercy? Everyone makes the choices he believes, but in my vocabulary this is called treason and not believe more like a word they say. Furio Colombo
Finally, I read the beautiful words you wrote about the Roma. Shared words, intense, moving, But tell me, the Palestinians are not for you men and women and children who deserve protection? You can defend all oppressed, outraged, offended as long as the Palestinians are not? Go ahead and show your banner of the defense of the fittest, the fiercest of more than a liar, we will continue to boycott all the non-violent means at our disposal as a civil society that still has a conscience and not sell out for any mess of pottage.

PS. The people most threatened of the world, the Palestinian people, between the two fires of the settlers and soldiers, who have now burned the mosque in Hebron and in the 94 'killed 29 people in prayer in the mosque itself, is not alone. With him there are people who like to have a conscience and retain their humanity, civil society and the world are anti-Zionist Jews inside and outside Israel who are fighting side by side with civil society to build a Palestinian state and a society where they can live together in justice, brotherhood and equal dignity. Miriam

Network Marino Jews Against the Occupation.


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