Thursday, September 25, 2008

Olevia Tv Manual #226 Model

Favicon for joomla 1.5 (and beyond)

trad. free
The word "favicon" is short for "favorites icon

", and 16x16 pixel big icon that appears in the address bar of your browser menu favorites and tabs (tabs) of IE7 and Firefox. All installations of Joomla Joomla using the logo as a favicon, and a common mistake of many webmasters is to ignore the question of leaving him there is. If our site is dedicated to joomla there is no reason to confuse visitors. We
sites that they may be visited, but also because visitors come back to click on our pages, so it's good that they are clearly recognizable from the long menu of favorites or 20 tabs open.

Step 0:
Let's start with a basic idea: smaller the size of an image, the less detail and the amount of elements to define it. If we start from a huge image and expect it zooms out to a grid of 16x16 points, a splash of color indefinite campeggerĂ  next to our address. It will therefore be preferable to use our capacity for synthesis if we do not have a logo simple enough, sacrificing some element. Step 1: Reduce the

logo (using software such as Photoshop) until it falls within a square of 16x16 pixels. Save the new image in GIF or PNG calling it "favicon.gif" or "favicon.png. They lend themselves better to the end, the images of the Blogger logo as a square or Joomla.
Step 2:
Convert the image to "favicon.ico". It 's more simple than it seems. There are many ways but the most interesting is the "FavIcon Generator" of
that allows you to create icons (even if we are animated) by converting images from our PC. The site also provides a system of validation of the favicon for the main browser.
Step 3: Replace the
favicon joomla with ours. We find it in the folder "images" of the installation Joomla!.
example We load the new icon in place and clear the cache on the preferences of your browser to view the update.

Step 3.1:

If we're not working in joomla favicon but we want to apply to any web page we have to insert the following code in head tag:

\u0026lt;link type = "image / gif" href = "animated_favicon1.gif" rel = "icon" />

and in addition the following if we have a picture. animated gif (for Firefox)
\u0026lt;link type = "image / gif" href = "animated_favicon1.gif" rel = "icon" />

obviously be loaded images. ico and / or. gif, in this case, in the same folder.

A favicon is a small thing in the economy in kilobytes of a site and do not slow down, but it is a small detail that will certainly a more professional style and finish to your website.


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