Thursday, January 24, 2008

Should The Bar Of The Belly Ring Stick Out


I'm not an expert on PC, my opinions are not technical, they are only the opinions that I have done about the programs that I recommend to install (and those who do not recommend), due not learning computer science, but from a rather long experience on the web (surfing the 1998), almost twenty years of familiarity with a PC (work with and thanks to the PC around 1989 to 90, my first OS was a Jurassic DOS - can not remember if 1 or 2) placed on a 486 Olivetti, which turned three small programs for the management office and a few toys now totally obsolete). So do not pretend to know everything, I only have one certainty: I am a user who does not want to be unconscious, he wants to know what turns on his computer and when it will not be so easily convinced amazing email from my bank asking me the login to the account, and regrets that those who do so that you can approach a powerful tool like the Internet without the duties antibodies, to the point of becoming a victim certain fraud.


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