A list of keyboard shortcuts for computers with the apple. It 's a list of some' longish, but I think it is useful START "Press C during startup" =
boot from CD "Press N during startup" = Start from the network (NetBoot) "Press T during startup" = Start with FireWire Target Mode Disk
"Press Shift during startup" = start Boot in Safe mode "Press Command-V during startup" = Start in verbose
"Press Command-S during startup" = Start in single user mode FINDER
"Command-W" Close window
= "Option-Command-W" = Close all windows
"Command-Right Arrow = Expand folder
" Option-Command-Right Arrow = Expand folder and all nested folders
"Command-Left Arrow" Close
folders = "Option-Command-Up Arrow" = top-level folder
"Shift-Command-Q" = Apple Menu Log out Shift-Option-Command-Q = Log out immediately
"Shift-Command-Delete = Empty trash
" Option-Command-Shift-Delete = Empty trash immediately
"Command-H = Hide application
"Option-Command-H Hide other applications
=" Command-N = Open new window
"Shift-Command-N" = New Folder
"Command-O" = Open
"Command-S" = Save
"Shift-Command-S" = Save "Command-P = Print
" Command-W "= Close window " Option-Command-W "= Close all windows
" Command-I "= Information
"Option-Command-I = Show Attributes Inspector
"Command-D" = Duplicate file
"Command-L" = Make alias of a file
"Command-R = Show original
file" Command-T "= Add file to favorites
" Command-Delete "= Move file to the trash
"Command-E = Eject
" Command-F "= Search
" Command-Z = Undo
"Command-X = Cut
" Command-C "= Copy
" Command-V " =
Paste "Command-A = Select All
" Command-1 "= View as icons
" Command-2 "= View as list
" Command-3 "= View as columns
" Command-B = Hide Bar Tools
"Command-J" = Show Options
"Command - [" = Back
"Command -]" = Next
"Shift-Command-C" =
Menu Computer Shift-Command-H "=
Menu Home Shift-Command-I" =
Menu iDisk Shift-Command-A " Menu Applications
= "Shift-Command-F" =
Favorites Menu "Shift-Command-G" = Go Menu a. ..
"Command-K = Connect to Server
Menu" Command-M = Minimize window
"Command-?" Help
= "Command-Space" = Open Spotlight (Mac OS X 10.4)
"Command-Alt-Space" = Guide Spotlight (Mac OS X 10.4)
"F12" = Opens Dashboard (Mac OS X 10.4 or later)
Universal Access and VoiceOver
"Option-Command-* (asterisk)" = Turn on Zoom
"Option-Command-+ (Plus) "= Zoom in
" Option-Command - (minus) "= Zoom out
" Control-Option-Command-* (asterisk) "= B & W mode
" Control-F1 "= Advanced Accessibility Features . When enabled you can use the combinations listed below:
"Control-F2 = Highlight Menu
" Control-F3 = Highlight Dock
"Control-F4 = Highlight window Active
" Control-F5 = Highlight Bar Tools
"Control-F6 = Highlight utility window (palette)
" Command-F5 or fn-Command-F5 "= Turn VoiceOver mode (Mac OS X 10.4)
" Control-Option-F8 or fn-Control-Option- F8 "= Open VoiceOver Utility (Mac OS X 10.4)
" Control-Option-F7 or fn-Control-option-F7 "= Display VoiceOver menu (Mac OS X 10.4)
" Control-Option-; or fn-Control-option-"= Enable / Disable Lock VoiceOver (Mac OS X 10.4 or later)
"8" = Move up
"2" = Move down
"4" = Move left
"6" = Move right
"1, 3, 7, 9" = Move diagonally
" 5 "= Press button
" 0 "= Hold
. (Time on the keypad) "= Release Button (use after pressing 0)
OTHER COMMANDS " Option-Command-D "= Show / Hide Dock " Command-Tab "= Switch application to
..." Command -Up Arrow = Sale of a folder
"Command-Down Arrow = move forward one folder
" Page Up or Control-Up Arrow "=
Sale of a page" Page Down or Control-Down Arrow = move forward one page
"Option-Drag" = Copy to new location
"Option-Command-Drag" = Make alias in new location
"Command-Drag" = Move without copying
"Command-C" = Show Colors palette in application
"Command -T = Show font palette in application "Command-Shift-3" = Take a picture of the screen
"Command-Shift-4" = Take a picture of the selection "Command-Shift-4, then Control + selection" = Take a picture of the screen and in-memory copy
"Command-Shift-4, then Space = Take a picture of the selected window
"Option-Command-esc" = Force Quit Applications
"Control-Eject" = Restart dialog box, Stop, Turn Off
"Control-Command-Eject" = Quit the applications and
restart "Option-Command-Eject or Option-Command-Power" = Sleep
"Command-click the Tools button box (top left corner)" = Browse available views of the toolbar
"Command-` "= Browse application windows open or finder
"Function-Delete (PowerBook, iBook only)" = Forward Delete